Knowledge Check: Onboarding


Use this Knowledge Check to check your understanding of how Onboarding is configured in HRIS. Try to answer to questions below before revealing the answer hidden in the collapsed field! Need a refresher? Review the Fundamentals guide!

When using an applicant tracking system (ats), what could cause the integration to fail to create a draft onboarding session?

Missing first name, last name, or company email.

True or false - published templates cannot be edited. if edits are desired, the best course of action is to make a new template.

True. only draft templates can be edited.  

When building onboarding templates, you can attach company documents and/or esignature documents. where are the company documents sourced from?

Namely resources.

At what point will your new hire’s profile switch from pending employee to active employee?

When the new hire completes their onboarding session or their start date (whichever comes first).